Programa de Postgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo

O projeto Comunidades_online: espacialidades híbridas sob uma perspectiva social

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  • O projeto Comunidades_online: espacialidades híbridas sob uma perspectiva social
Denise Mônaco dos Santos, Marcelo Tramontano
Artigos em congressos

This article intends to present the development and the results of an experience about the interlacing information and communication technologies on local communities carried out by the Online_communities project, developed between 2004 and 2008 in Cidade Tiradentes, district of São Paulo. It’s about the elaboration of a critical examination of one interpretation of this project, among many possible, which privileges, on one hand, the links of the different aspects it covers, highlighting its actions which are very distinct. On the other hand, it is about creating hybrid spaces in urban fragments, considering them as spaces constituted from communication insertion through computational systems in communities geographically referred.