Programa de Postgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo

Hybrid Territories Project: Cultural Actions and Digital Media

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  • Hybrid Territories Project: Cultural Actions and Digital Media
Marcelo Tramontano, Denise Mônaco dos Santos
Artigos em congressos

This paper presents the Hybrid Territory Project, a cultural public policies research project carried ou by Nomads.usp, the Center for Studies of Interactive Living, of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. The central theme of the project is to understand how public cultural policies can make use of digital media in an effort to connect people and groups living in social realities apart from each other. The project seeks to bring physical and virtual instances together by means of cultural actions in urban areas. Moreover, it aims to design coexistence from joint work carried out by diverse actors, including architects, who have a voice in defi ning the project goals, actions, and methods. It is expected that the project will provide strategies for public policies to lay down conditions favoring the coexistence of differences in cities as enriching and desirable.