Programa de Postgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo

Hibridismos na cidade: considerações sobre interfaces tangíveis urbanas

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  • Hibridismos na cidade: considerações sobre interfaces tangíveis urbanas
Denise Mônaco dos Santos, Marcelo Tramontano
Artigos em congressos

The consideration about contemporary urban spaces incorporates a set of investigations linked to spatial implementation of digital technologies. This paper is about the different ways in which tangible computational interfaces have been arranged in urban environments, be they projections onto urban surfaces, interactive façades, or even architecture and interactive and/or responsive urban objects. It examines the nature of this phenomenon from perspectives presented by different authors and based on systematized information on a wide array of interfaces. It also posits some significant attributes that should be taken into account when performing a close examination of these interventions. Its aim is to contribute theoretical explorations to the study of hybrid urban spaces.