Programa de Postgrado en Arquitectura y Urbanismo

Interfaces em Ação: sobre interações e layers comunicacionais nas práticas de projeto remoto (SIGRADI 2016)

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  • Interfaces em Ação: sobre interações e layers comunicacionais nas práticas...
Denise Mônaco dos Santos, Andressa Carmo Pena Martinez, Douglas Lopes de Souza, Paôla de Moraes Brinati
Artigos em congressos

This paper explores two communication processes involved in making remote projects: (i) the process related to the intervention and interaction (direct and exclusive) with the digital models jointly made; and (ii) the process that takes place between members of the project team. It discusses the qualities of collaborative interactions in remote design processes based on the analysis of practical experience of three Brazilian research groups working collaboratively: the NÓ.Lab UFV, the Nomads.usp USP and Algo+Ritmo UFMS.