Graduate Architecture and Urban Planing Program


Teaching and research partnerships developed by


RECAC - Built Environment Cooperation Network

A network that involves UFV, UFMG and UFJF. Its main activity is the integration with the three graduate programs.  In 2015, an integrated course created an overview of the technologies and processes involved in the production of the built space, with interactive participation of students through digital media.


R3E - Energy Efficiency Network in Buildings

R3E members are universities grouped by Procel Edifica and coordinated by UFRN, such as UFV, UFMG, UFSC, UPel, UFAL, UnB, UFPA, UFC, Unicamp, UFRJ and UFMS. The activities consist of courses, software development, research on labeling and comfort, reviews and performance at PBE Edifica. PPGAU participated in 2015 with two main activities: the Minha Casa Minha Vida Sustentável project, in response to the demand from the Ministry of Cities and forwarded by Procel Edifica, and the Simplified Labeling project, in partnership with UFMG (LabCon).
